Caregiver Support: How To Care For and Help A Caregiver?
March 29, 2021
If you have an aging parent who is a primary caregiver it can be hard to know what to say and do. Caregivers, especially spouses, may be hesitant to ask…
The Center for Mental Health & Aging blog is your “go-to” resource for mental health and aging. Each article contains helpful information to deepen your understanding of aging, mental health in older adulthood, dementia, caregiving, family dynamics, and so much more.
March 29, 2021
If you have an aging parent who is a primary caregiver it can be hard to know what to say and do. Caregivers, especially spouses, may be hesitant to ask…
March 17, 2021
Understanding the role transitions along the caregiver's journey will help you to gain clarity with the common struggles and what you can do about them. Knowing that you’re not alone…
February 23, 2021
Helping aging parents move into a senior living or assisted living environment can be overwhelming, and emotions can easily escalate. Here are 12 tips for managing those emotions during difficult…
February 13, 2021
Dear Dr. Koepp, My 85 year old dad is calling me multiple times a day. It’s interrupting my time at work. Sometimes he needs something. Sometimes, he just wants to…
January 26, 2021
Have you helped your loved one move to a senior living or assisted living community only to find that in the midst of experiencing relief that your loved one is…
January 19, 2021
There may come a time when you're faced with the conversation of talking with your aging parents about moving into a senior living or assisted living community. Many people dread…
January 12, 2021
When he was in his late 80s, William Cohn, Candy Cohn's father, unintentionally stopped taking medication for a long-standing bipolar disorder and experienced a significant mental health crisis requiring hospitalization…
January 5, 2021
When we think of older adults during COVID, images of older adults living in long-term care communities sheltering in place with hands pressed against windows trying to connect with loved…
December 1, 2020
In honor of world AIDS day on 12/1, I am devoting today’s episode to HIV and Aging. And, yes. HIV is an important topic when it comes to aging. An…
November 23, 2020
Family caregivers during COVID are more stressed and overwhelmed than ever before and here are some reasons why: Approximately 61% of caregivers are employed while caregiving. Of these caregivers, 60%…
November 11, 2020
You may be surprised to hear that about half of today’s Veterans are 65 and older. If you're caring for an aging Veteran, you may have many questions but not…
November 3, 2020
Exercise is essential for healthy aging. Having a consistent exercise routine helps to reduce risk of mental health conditions, improves cognitive function, and helps our bodies to function optimally. Quickly…