Benefits of Cultural Humility and Trauma-Informed Care With Minoritized Older Adults
August 3, 2023
A couple years ago, I worked with Mr. Davis, a Black man who was 85 and held a strong Jehovah’s Witness faith. He was in therapy due to a recent…
The Center for Mental Health & Aging blog is your “go-to” resource for mental health and aging. Each article contains helpful information to deepen your understanding of aging, mental health in older adulthood, dementia, caregiving, family dynamics, and so much more.
August 3, 2023
A couple years ago, I worked with Mr. Davis, a Black man who was 85 and held a strong Jehovah’s Witness faith. He was in therapy due to a recent…
July 26, 2023
With age, the thought of cognitive impairment can loom large, casting a shadow on what should be your golden years. You're not alone in this journey. This article is dedicated…
July 19, 2023
Imagine this scenario: you're sitting with your loved one reminiscing about a very special time in your life and your loved one struggles to recall an important part of…
July 11, 2023
Diving into the vast ocean of cognitive impairment in older adults can be challenging, especially when waves of denial or lack of awareness obstruct the view. As healthcare providers, we…
May 19, 2023
Ageism includes bias, stereotypes, and discrimination based on age and disproportionately impacts older adults. In this video interview, hosted by Jane Catton, CEO of AgeWell Vermont, you'll learn different…
April 21, 2023
For many people living with Parkinson's Disease, sexual functioning can change, but intimacy doesn't have to. I was working with a 70-something husband and wife a few months ago. The…
February 9, 2023
You've heard of the situation where an older adult starts to experience depressive symptoms. They become withdrawn. Their mood starts to change. They become more tearful, more sad, more nostalgic,…
February 2, 2023
There are many older adults who may be experiencing new mental health conditions and have never connected with a mental health care provider and may be reluctant to move forward.…
January 19, 2023
Many people dread growing older based on assumptions they have about aging. As we age and find ourselves spending time with older adults, it is important to understand what is…
January 7, 2023
Depression is a medical condition that impacts more than 7 million adults over the age of 65. Depression can affect mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Why is screening…
January 5, 2023
There's a phenomenon that occurs as we age that we actually become more resilient over time. That in fact, the experience of moving through adversity and managing emotional storms, losses,…
April 13, 2022
Assisted living and long-term care communities have a duty to ensure that residents’ rights of sexual autonomy and self-determination are honored and equally have a duty to protect residents from…